About Us

We’re Tania and Lorenzo 

We left our careers, sold our house and belongings and transitioned from landlife in Switzerland to travel by sailboat and live fulltime on our Neel 47 named TALATA. With a mutual deep understanding and respect, we share a passion for life, love, and each other. We also thrive in each others company so the thought of living closely in a relatively small space is hugely appealing!

One of the best parts of cruising life is meeting people along the way!

Between us we can chat in English, German or French and otherwise get by with a smattering of Italian, Arabic and Spanish. So if you happen to be near, hail us on VHF or pull up a chair. Grab a drink and lets share the moment and your stories. Life’s too short for anything else!


Skipper, Cook & Camera

Lorenzo will throw his full energy (and he has tons of energy!) behind everything and anything he sets his mind to. He’s endlessly curious always on a quest for knowledge and won’t take anything at face-value. As suits someone so multi-faceted and quality-focussed, his professional life covered main stints in pharmaceuticals, kite-surfing business and the food industry.

He has so many passions, its hard to name the largest but I’d put my bet on food, cooking and sailing …and action sports of most kinds. He can be very critical of himself and others (especially boatyards…) but also admirably patient.

Mostly you’ll witness his cheerfulness, warmth and the humour that makes the harder times so much easier to get through.

His most used phrases are “Read the manual!” and “Giving up is not an option”, so he’s perfectly suited for cruiser life.

Tania has sunshine in her heart and mostly a warm smile on her face. She loves the desert, heat, water and spicy food! She’s generally optimistic and thirsty for adventure, suffering from serious wanderlust both imaginary (all day reading…) and real.

Happiest when she feels unrestricted with no concern for convention, a long ocean passage to a deserted island is currently her major dream scenario. For someone striving to try something new, it’s kind of surprising that her entire career was spent at a single company. But then her job enabled her to work globally, live in several countries, fill different roles and work in a uniquely multicultural environment. So actually it’s no surprise. When she finds a good match, she relishes the comfort of routine.

She can’t tolerate much injustice or any inequality. And if you’re serving out food portions, know she has an appetite to keep up with the biggest out there!


“Admiral”, Navigator & Communications